During the Open Music’s 2017 Summer Lab,  programmers, artists, entrepreneurs, and facilitators participated in an eight-week prototyping program that combined creativity and experimentation with cutting edge technology such as blockchain, artificial intelligence and virtual reality.

This eight-week experience used the resources and human capital that exists within Berklee, IDEO, and the surrounding Boston community, and set the conditions during which the Music Tech Workshop for artists was held.

We've outlined the skills and criteria that participants and facilitators should possess in order to run a successful Music Tech Workshop within any local economy or ecosystem and described the process to attract and recruit sponsors. 

While organizers at the local level may face budget limitations or may have limited technical knowledge and experience, an organization or institution can follow the guidelines laid out in this Toolkit to plan and implement a Music Tech Workshop with similar outcomes and deliverables.

Follow the links below for more information.

Artists | Lab fellows |  Facilitators | Sponsors