These guidelines are designed to recruit and select student lab fellows interested in exploring cutting edge technology such as blockchain registration, virtual reality, artificial intelligence and their implications for derivative musical works. The following processes and language can be adopted and applied at the local level.  


Summer Lab consists of four interdisciplinary teams of five students each from Berklee, MIT and other colleges across the nation and globe. These students will be selected through a rigorous screening process and a one-day makeathon on to gauge their skill sets, personalities and experience.


We used the following application to collect a pool of interested students. PDF here



The application was advertised across BerkleeICE, Open Music, and IDEO's social media, and via connections at universities and colleges such as MIT, Rhode Island School of Design, Mass College of Art, and Savannah College of Art and Design.

Sample outreach email:

We're looking for students for a full-time paid lab! This one will explore the technical challenges of utilizing distributed ledgers and the Open Music Initiative API for:

  • Cataloging, attributing and distributing live DJ mixes

  • Commercializing mixtapes built from original material and back catalogs

  • Compensating musicians for visual works using their songs as data

  • Identifying individuals for their contribution to single tracks in new works

  • If you think your students would be interested please share:

selection process

Fellows were selected via a one-day makeathon, where they spent a day with IDEO designers and Berklee faculty for an action-packed, high-energy dive into the IDEO design-thinking process. Expert facilitators matched students with a talented and diverse team of peers to design consumer concepts that explore the questions above.

Like a hackathon, a make-athon is a fun and intense event where people build, but the tools they use go beyond coding, and skills other than software development are highly valued, too.

acceptance process

Accepted fellows were sent an acceptance letter with an overview and program details. PDF here.